Our story began during the pandemic. Vojta, a recent graduate in German translation at the time, suddenly had a lot of free time and was thinking about how to make the most of it. His passion for history, languages, Brno, and the concept of Free Walking Tours gave birth to the idea of creating his own tour.
It didn’t take him long to turn his ideas into action. Vojta built his own website, read books about the history, walked the city from end to end, and gradually created the first version of his tour. He guided his first tourists in the summer of 2020. Four years later, he decided to take it to the next level – and here we are.
Who we are

And that's me,
the founder of Free City Tour.
We will most likely meet on our German tours, where I will tell you all the exciting stories I have learned about Brno.

Thanks to more than 25 years of work experience as a guide and translator, I can show you my native city and country with real insight of a local who remembers what life was like behind the iron curtain.
And do not worry, the tour will not include the sights, facts and dates only but a lot of stories, hidden gems and possibly local delicacies to enjoy Brno with all your senses.